Troy Alexander Gozum Miano, DPA

5 November 1990

Little is written of local histories. Oral narrations of histories by our ancestors are slowly fading and becoming inaccurate as time pass by. It is believed that to be able to love our country, we must first know the background of our hometown. Having knowledge of our town’s history make us understand the struggle of our pioneers in their quest for a community of their own and their contribution to the growth of our country as well. The Land of the Golden Grains (researched since 1990) is a detailed historical account of the Municipality of Cabatuan, Isabela. It narrates the start of this settlement in the Magat region until it flourished to be known as the land of giant rice mills, agriculture and hardworking Ilocanos. It offers the young Cabatuanenses of today a glimpse of the past and sees the transformation of Cabatuan as it is now known as The Land of the Golden Grains.


The land where Cabatuan now nestles was once teeming with vegetation, wildlife and fish, nurtured by the mighty and winding Magat River. Its history started when one of the indigenous people of the mountain provinces settled down in the vast valley of Cagayan where the Apayaos, Dumagats, Gaddangs, Ibanags, Ifugaos, Igorots, Itawes, Palananons and the Yogads were living. This tribe is known as the Kalingas, the name believed to have come from the Ibanag and Gaddang word “kalinga”, which means “headhunters”.

The Kalinga villages were strategically located along the banks of the Magat River in southwestern Isabela, near the boundary of Ifugao province, surrounding the locality now known as Sili, Bolinao, Dalig Kalinga (these places are now barangays of Aurora town) and Subasta (now a sitio of Barangay Saranay in Cabatuan). The early Cabatuanenses were generally known to be of medium height, with dark complexion and lissome with high nose bridges. Physically, they were very sturdy and well-built so that their war-like bearing feature made them more like soldiers. They lived in tree-houses and depended on hunting, fishing and a little of poultry and agriculture. The Kalingas were believed to be the descendants of the second wave of Malay who came to the Islands from Borneo between 200 B.C. and 1500 A.D. These pagans were headed by several able leaders like: Ronsan and Ngolan (both from Sili in Aurora town), Balindan, Melad and Gombi (from Bolinao, also in Aurora town), Tullayao Bayudoc (from Subasta, Saranay in Cabatuan) and the grand old chieftain Materig (also from Sili in Aurora town). The Kalingas preferred to stay in the Cabatuan area of jurisdiction rather than in Aurora because the town proper of Aurora then was located in Dalig, now a barangay of Burgos town. When the Christians arrived, the Kalingas attached the word “Infiel” before their native name to fulfill their yearning for a second name like those of Christians. The name “Infiel” was derived from “ynfieles”, a Spanish friar’s term for non-believers of the Christian faith.

The whole territory of what is now Cabatuan was part of the Friar Lands Estate formerly owned and administered by Spanish missionaries’ priests. A decree of Governor-General (February 28, 1877- March 20, 1880) Domingo Moriones y Murillo Zabaleta y Sanz, Marqués de Oroquieta (1823-1881) gave lands to the religious orders on October 25, 1879 for the purpose of formenting the production of tobacco. The Augustinian missionaries were given 14,000 hectares of land in Calanusian (now Reina Mercedes town), Alamo (now Luna town) and Cauayan where the present-day Cabatuan belongs.


Governor-General (1880-1883; 1897-1898) Fernando Primo de Rivera y Sobremonte issued a decree on January 15, 1881 allowing Ilocanos to migrate to Cagayan Valley to plant tobacco and retain the industry after the Tobacco Monopoly. Droves of Ilocanos came to Isabela but it was only during the administration of Cauayan, Isabela Municipal President (1907-1910), a former Katipunero, Bernardo Dacuycuy y Cadiz that the Cabatuan area would be conceptualized as an Ilocano settlement. Don Bandung, the popular moniker of Presidente Municipal Dacuycuy, instructed a certain Salvador Uao to survey the vast track of friar lands southwest of Cauayan near the Magat River. Seeing that the locality was suitable for settlement, Don Bandung invited his relatives and close friends in Ilocos Norte to migrate to southern Isabela.

The pioneering Ilocanos from the North started arriving in 1912, bringing with them their families, relatives and friends. Sailing off the coast of Bacarra, Laoag and Currimao in Ilocos Norte, they followed the coastline of northern Luzon. They braved the South China Sea and the Babuyan Channel and reached the delta-town of Aparri, Cagayan. Using balanghais (banca), they sailed south, trekking the crocodile infested Cagayan River passing through the old towns of Lal-lo, Gattaran, Alcala, Amulung, Solana, Iguig, Tuguegarao, San Pablo, Cabagan, Tumauini, Ilagan, Gamu and Cauayan. Their travel ended in the town of Angadanan, particularly in Barrio Pissay, where the width of the great river narrows. When the Angadanan-Echague-Jones area became populated, the pioneers decided to sail back towards Turayong in Cauayan town. And from this point, the pioneers disembarked and traveled either by foot or cariton (in caravan) passing by Antatet (now Luna town) and reached the area where the Magat Bridge, in Barangay San Andres, is now located.

The first Ilocano pioneers were: Juan Cadeliña (with Maria Galutira, arrived March 5, 1912), Pedro Acob (with Dorotea Foronda, arrived June 1912), Francisco Alejo (with Sergia Pedro, arrived November 1913), Leocadio Acio (with Escolastica Padron, arrived February 1914), Bernardo C. Dacuycuy (with Maria Dacuycuy, arrived March 14, 1913), Agapito A. Pilar (with Cañuta A. Sales, arrived April 12, 1914), Cirilo A. Guerrero (with Genoveva Bagain, arrived May 2, 1914), Rafael Padron (with Guillerma Vea, arrived May 1914), Roman Rivera (with Anacleta Acoba, arrived June 1914), Felipe Aczon (with Aniceta Sales, arrived August 1914), Pablo DC. Marcelo (with Margarita Juan, arrived August 1914), Mariano Acosta (with Marcelina Vea, arrived September 1914), Pedro Labasan (with Liberata Ramones, arrived November 1914), Donato Tejada (with Rafaela Basilio, arrived in 1914), and Apolinario Visaya (with Alejandra Rivera, arrived 1914).

Other pioneers who came in batches were: Teodoro Abad, Gregorio Abad, Juan Acedo, Vitaliano Acoba, Agapito R. Acosta, Sabas Basug, Maximiano dC. Borromeo, Jose Castillo, Fructuso Cadeliña, Juan Constantino, Tito V. Diego, Arcadio Domingcil, Pantaleon Domingcil, Protacio R. Domingcil, Alvaro Galapon, Desiderio M. Guillermo, Ignacio Juan, Isidro Lazaro, Domingo Llamelo, Victor Llamelo, Teofilo Mercado, Feliciano A. Ramos, Martin Sales, Teodoro Tejada, Baltazar Vea, and Miguel C. Yanuaria.


The Ilocano Christians first settled in the forest-covered land far from the river, but the natives in “bahag” (g-strings) who were living along the riverbanks considered it an intrusion, which later led to nightly tensions. As soon as the sun sets, the able-bodied natives raided the settlers’ homes and stole their personal properties. And when they resisted, the indigenous habitants caused them trouble and harm. To protect themselves from the Kalingas, the Christians stocked piles of stones around their sleeping chambers. Whenever the sound of the tangguyob (horn bugle) was heard, the Christians would be cautioned that the Kalingas has arrived. The Christians had defended themselves by throwing stones at the natives. This went on until a certain Bonifacio Bangug, a native of Piddig town in Ilocos Norte and had long lived with the Kalingas, initiated a peace pact. A successful peace negotiation ensued. Don Bernardo Dacuycuy headed the Christians while a certain Infiel Ulleg represented the Kalingas. Finally, an agreement of friendship came up between the two parties.

To strengthen the developing friendship, the Christians distributed used clothing, kitchen and table utensils and farm equipments to the natives. The Christians also traded salt in exchange for Kalingan goods. After years of friendship, Kalingas were converted to the Christian faith and whenever a Kalinga child was baptized, their parents adopted the Ilocano godparent’s surname for their child to legally use. Soon the Christians and Kalingas lived in peace and harmony and enjoyed the fruits of the rich land they tilled.

How the name CABATUAN came to be

Before the Christians arrived, the place was always referred to as “Ambatuan”, a Kalingan word, which means “no stones”. However, the new settlers found an abundance of stones along the Magat.

Another reference states that they branded the place “Ambatuan” on the very act when the Christians and Kalingas were throwing stones at each other during the pioneering period. As time passed by, the name “Ambatuan” evolved to “Cabatuan”.


In 1914, during the American Regime, Cabatuan was incorporated with the Municipality of Cauayan, Isabela with Señor Agapito A. Pilar as the first Barrio Teniente. Others who assumed the post were: Florencio Abad, Leocadio Acio, Pedro Acob, Felipe Aczon, Tomas Camungao, T. Damunglo, Jose Castillo, Cirilo Guerrero, Platon Guillermo, Ignacio Juan, Felipe Pascual, Feliciano A. Ramos, Roman Rivera, Iñigo Sales, Francisco Salvador, Tirso Santos, B. Sumawang, Juan Ventura. Don Bernardo C. Dacuycuy, the acknowledged founder of Cabatuan, was appointed by Governor-General (October 14, 1921-August 7, 1927) Leonard Wood as President of the Confederate Districts of Antatet (now Luna town), Dalig (former poblacion of Aurora town and now a barangay of Burgos town), Bolinao and Sili (now barangays of Aurora town). Later on, Cabatuan was sub-divided into four districts. District 1, comprises what is now the barangays of Sampaloc and Saranay. District 2, the barrio proper, comprises what is now the barangays of Centro and San Andres. District 3, comprises what is now the barangays of Del Pilar, Magdalena and portions of Paraiso. And District 4, comprises all populated areas upstream the Magat River like Macalaoat, Culing and Diamantina.


After the Ilocos Norte migrants, several waves of settlers particularly locals from Ilocos Sur, Pangasinan and Central Luzon region came to Isabela. The first pioneers of the old barrio of Namnama who hailed from Pangasinan were: Brigido Antonio, Leon Gallo, Andres Navarro, Francisco Navarro, Hermogenes Ruiz, Cipriano Tenefrancia and Teodoro Torio. Other Pangasinenses who settled in the poblacion were: Benito Monte and Zacarias P. Muñoz. The pioneers of the old barrio of Culing who came from Ilocos Sur were: Gavino Aquino, Senen Angco, Lorenzo Aquino, Flaviano Bulan, Dionicio L. Mendoza, Pedro Queja and Pablo Valdez. The old barrio of Caggong is pioneered by the Gaddang people headed by Felicisimo Taganas who originated along the Siffu and Mallig rivers in northwestern Isabela. The old barrio of Canan is pioneered by Basilio M. Antonio who came from Laoag, Ilocos Norte while old Diamantina was founded by Patricio A. Visaya.

Some of the Tagalog migrants who settled in the poblacion were: Carolino O. Munsayac (Nueva Ecija), Atanasio H. Dayrit (San Fernando, Pampanga), Atty. Rafael M. Tomacruz (former mayor of Hagonoy, Bulacan and Provincial Board Member), Damian S. Tomacruz (Hagonoy, Bulacan), Anselmo S. Esmino (Licab, Nueva Ecija), Felipe Pamintuan (Pampanga), Andres R. Alivia (Bongabon, Nueva Ecija) and Antonio V. Altoveros (Bongabon, Nueva Ecija).

In 1932, Don Fernando Garcia y Garcia, who hails from Barcelona and Asturias province in Spain, arrived in the locality to manage the Compania General de Tobacos de Filipinas or Tabacalera situated in what is now Barangay San Andres.

The Chinese also migrated to Cabatuan and opted to permanently reside in the locality and inter-married with young Ilocano maidens. The bulk of the Chinese migrants came from Amoy (now Xiamen), China in the 1930s. Some of the Chinese migrants were: Clemente Paggabao (married Andrea Labasan), Eusebio Uy (married Lourdes Visaya), Juan Uy (married Felisa Acio), Mariano Uy (married Lourdes dela Cruz), Kaya Uy (married Carmen Rambac), Inocencio Uy (married Mercedes Domingcil), Francisco Uy (married Mercedes Llamelo), Guillermo Uy (married Marcelina T. Abad vda. de Padron), Lorenzo Uy (married Teodora Visaya), Venancio Tio (married Monica Acorda), Vicente Pua (married Sabina Ventura), Joaquin Pua (married Entonia Labayog), Pedro Pua (married Isabela Guerrero), Kiana Uy (married Claudia Manuel), Pascual Pua (married Carmen Uy), Densoy Ty (married Maxima Uy), Tomas Uy, Miguel Dy, Mariano Tio, Julian Pua (married Felicitas Bagcal), Eusebio Tan (married Eusenia Lomotan), Jose Uy (married Adelina Ventura), Ben Chong (married Gue Eng Tio), Alfonso Uy (married Engracia Uy), Sytong Uy, Uwa Uy (married Avelina Gervacio), Ben Co (married Maria Vea), Pedro D. Uy (married Salud Bacallan), Pedro Yan (married Maria Aczon), Tio Nga Luy (married Pelagia Acosta), Alfredo Uy (married Ruperta V. Pancho) and Tomas Pua (Loreto Acosta).


The desire to have a representation for the Magat region prompted the Cabatuanenses to support the candidacy of several of their barrio folks. Thus, the administrations of Cauayan Municipal Mayors Guillermo Blas (1938) and Zoilo Cuntapay (1938-1941), had municipal councilors from Cabatuan: Paz P. Sales-Cruz, Francisco Razon and Atanasio H. Dayrit. Realizing that men and women of Barrio Cabatuan has the potential and ability to lead the whole town of Cauayan, the Cabatuanenses rallied behind the candidacy of Federico P. Acio as mayor. Acio won in the November 11, 1941 elections and assumed office on the first day of 1942 but his term was immediately cut short when the Japanese Imperial Army occupied the valley. Acio was replaced with the appointment of Jose Canciller.


The following were the lieutenants of the barrios adjacent to old Cabatuan before 1949. Barrio Canan: Daniel Ganado, Benito A. Bartolome, Teodoro A. Reyes and Filadulpo J. Carorocan. Old Barrio Culing: Angel Reginaldo, Flaviano Bulan, Pantaleon G. Bulan, Sabas Aguinaldo, Senen F. Angco and Hilario Visaya. Barrios Villa Visaya & Diamantina: Patricio A. Visaya, Isabelo Cadeliña and Paulino G. Visaya. Barrio Sarrateña (Luzon): Sebastian Ballesteros, Alfredo Corrales, Mateo dela Cruz and Tomas S. Acosta. Barrio Macalaoat: Gerardo M. Gabriel and Florencio R. Abad. Barrio Magdalena: Ruperto A. Carnate and Guillermo G. Domingcil. Barrio Namnama: Leon Gallo, Cayetano K. Rosario, Nicolas T. Almirol and Hermogenes B. Soriben. Barrio Caggong (Rang-ay): Antonio Balacano and Anacleto R. Taganas. Barrio Tandul Viejo: Juan V. Tumamao and Florentino S. Manipon.


When the Second World War erupted on December 1941, several sons and daughters of Cabatuan were involved in various encounters in the countryside. The brave and freedom loving Cabatuanenses who fought for democracy in Bataan were: Victoriano B. Agustin, Ventura D. Frogoso, Elpidio A. Galiza, Domingo J. Marcelo, Ranulfo P. Navarro, Andres N. Palado, Cenon B. Ramos, Jose M. Rivera, Antonio B. Rodriguez, Simeon B. Santos, Victoriano C. Santos (missing in action), Lorenzo T. Sunga, Manuel T. Talimada, Damian S. Tomacruz and Hermogenes S. Tomas. The following who fought in Bataan and suffered the infamous Death March were: Norberto V. Abad, Dominador Acob, Leopoldo Cadeliña, Alejandro A. Cadiente, Juan B. Molina and Florencio B. Sacaben.

Though the island of Corregidor and the peninsula of Bataan became the concentration of the war, many provinces in Luzon Island also participated in the ordeal. The Cabatuanenses who fought outside Bataan were: Benedicto A. Acosta (Ilocos), Teodoro P. Asuncion (died in action in Tuguegarao, Cagayan), Sebastian M. Ballesteros (Ilocos), Rizalino M. Camungao (died in action in Batangas), Florencia M. Dacuycuy (Women’s Auxilliary Service in Ilocos) and Enrique V. Padron (died in action in Tuguegarao, Cagayan).

As the Japanese Imperial Army fully occupied the valley after the Fall of Bataan on April 9, 1942, strong resistance continued. Many gallant Cabatuanenses joined the underground “guerilla” movement, locally known as the Bolo Unit as they continue their quest for freedom. It was officially registered as the 1st Guerilla Regiment of the United States Forces in the Philippines, Northern Luzon (USFIP, NL) with Major Manuel P. Enriquez as Commander of the 1st Batallion, which includes Isabela province. It was later renamed to 14th Infantry USAFFE. The Guerillas from Cabatuan were: Federico P. Acio, Damaso A. Acosta, Mariano P. Alejo, Antonio V. Altoveros, Nestor R. Altoveros, Alvaro C. Antolin, Rufino D. Apostol, Benito G. Bauzon, Osmundo S. Bungay, Pacifico S. Cabantac, Felix C. Cadeliña, Norberto Cadiz, Demetrio dela Cruz, Leonides R. Dacuycuy, Gavino K. Enerlan, Bonifacio Estioco, Fernando A. Ferrer, Apolonio R. Galicano, Patrocinio Gamiao, Venancio M. Galingana, Feliciano D. Gaspar, Santos D. Gonatise, Iluminado Grande, Lino P. Gumaru, Jose G. Hermogela, Nicolas Labayog, Juan R. Labuguen, Felix M. Lacaden, Enrique C. Limon, Celestino G. Lomboy, Cenon S. Manibog, Venancio G. Manibog, Apolonio C. Manuel, Juan G. Manuel, Isaac I. Martinez, Julian Marzo, Remigio Marzo, Cipriano D. Mercado, Nicolas A. Meria, Miguel O. Monte, Andres E. Nomina, Juan E. Parayno, Domingo Pedro, Nemesio N. Ramil, Cayetano K. Rosario, Teodulfo D. Rumbaoa, Maura A. Sales, Domingo P. Salgado, Severino Tarapia, Juanito S. Topinio, Juan P. Valeroso, Avelino A. Villanueva, Vicente Villar and Juan G. Visaya.

Mayor Acio was one of the remaining mayors at that time in northern Luzon who did not surrender to the Japanese. The foreign invaders tried to make Acio surrender by torturing his wife, Josefa Ventura-Acio, through “water treatment”. The poor Mrs. Acio never knew the whereabouts of her husband and so her suffering continued until before Liberation.

The tabacalera (almasin), owned by Don Fernando Garcia, in District Dos (now Barangay San Andres) became the chief garrison (Center of Command) of the invading foreigners. Other prominent Japanese garrisons were the residences of Federico Acio, Francisco Acob, Atanasio H. Dayrit and Daniel Crisologo. The ever-fighting guerillas continued their underground activities and were fully supported by the barrio people. The Niponggo troops made plans to liquidate this stubborn resistance. The Japanese soldiers hired Filipinos to serve as “magic eyes” (Makapili) to pinpoint those who were supporters and members of the movement. The civilians who were unfortunate to be tagged and assassinated were: Catalino Pascual, Ireneo Acedo, Severino Tarampi and a certain Mr. Gomez. There was also an incident wherein the Japanese kidnapped a lady by the name of Genoveva A. Agsalda (residing in what is now Barangay San Andres) while reaping tobacco in her field in Sili (a barrio of Aurora town) and was never found again.

When the “liberating” American warplanes sweep the valley on December 1944, a house in District Dos (now San Andres) where at least two families were residing was mistakenly identified as a Japanese camp. The house was bombed killing all the inhabitants of the compound. The fatalities were: Agustin Duldulao and wife Josefa Mercado with sister, Teodorica M. Visaya. The Duldulao children were: Aprecion, Emeteria, Severo, Angel, Teofilo and the eldest, Demetrio and wife Demetria Aczon with their three-month old baby girl, Angeles.

Cagayan Valley which includes Isabela and Cabatuan was liberated by the USAFFE in June 1945.


On June 7, 1945, Chichibu-no-miya Yasuhito Shinno (1902-1953), also known as Prince Yasuhito left behind their trucks in Santiago and followed the course of the Magat River to the north. Just before sunset, they encountered five guerillas two miles west of Barrio Cabatuan. After a heavy firefight, three of the escorts were killed. The prince instructed his houseboy Ben Valmores to bring with him the waxed maps in leather map case and go home in Bambang town in Nueva Vizcaya province. The prince later reached the shoreline of Babuyan Bay, south of Santa Ana town in Cagayan on July 25 and boarded a submarine for Tokyo, Japan. In a book about Yamashita’s gold, authors Peggy and Sterling Seagrave postulated that Prince Yasuhito led from 1937 to 1945 what the authors called the “Golden Lily (Kin no yun) Operation” by which members of the imperial Household allegedly were personally involved in stealing treasures from countries invaded by Japan during World War II.


After Liberation (in June 1945), Federico P. Acio was re-instated as mayor of Cauayan. His councilors residing from the vicinity of Barrio Cabatuan were: Jose Castillo and Pablo C. Marcelo. Months later, Acio was replaced with the appointments of Leon Babaran (1946) and Teodoro Laggui (1947) as mayors. Another appointed councilor from Cabatuan was Lorenzo A. Aquino (Culing).

The continuous political-fever of the Cabatuanenses catapulted four out of the six slot in the Cauayan municipal council in the November 11, 1947 elections. They were: Leon Gallo (Namnama), Jose Castillo (Cabatuan – Sitio Sampaloc), Nicolas Almirol (Namnama) and Severo C. Macugay (Luzon).

Other Cabatuanenses who shared the distinction of having served the town of Cauayan were: Geronimo P. Medina (Municipal Clerk), Severo C. Macugay (Municipal Treasurer), Teodulfo D. Rumbaoa (Municipal Secretary, 1941-1942 & 1945), Jose D. Dacuycuy (Chief of Police, 1941-1942) and Filomeno S. Miguel (Chief of Police, 1945).


Seeing that Barrio Cabatuan boldly maintains its image of being a political threat to the Cauayan leadership, the municipal council under the administration of Cauayan Mayor Jose Africano (1948-1955) agreed and endorsed the segregation of Cabatuan from the mother-town. Through the initiative of incumbent Cauayan Councilors Gallo, Castillo, Almirol and Macugay, former Mayor Federico P. Acio, former Municipal President Bernardo C. Dacuycuy and the independent-loving people of Cabatuan, a delegation to Malacañang was formed to ensure and witness this historical turn of events. The delegates were: Federico P. Acio as Secretary, USAFFE Capt. Damian S. Tomacruz as Treasurer, Councilor Severo C. Macugay as Records, Atty. Luis B. Gomez as PRO, Provincial Secretary Jacinto U. Dumaliang as Liaison and the grand-old man of Cabatuan, Don Bernardo C. Dacuycuy as Chairman.


On the fifth day of November 1949, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior and pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 68 of the Revised Administrative Code, His Excellency President (April 16, 1948-December 31, 1953) Elpidio Quirino y Rivera (1890-1956) signed Executive Order No. 293 in Malacañang, which gave birth to the Municipality of Cabatuan, Isabela. The new born town was initially composed of twelve barrios with Cabatuan as the seat of government and its integral parts are: Buenavista, Caggong, Canan, Culing, Diamantina, Luzon, Macalaoat, Magdalena, Namnama, Tandul Viejo and Villa Visaya including the sitios of Nueva Era, Sampaloc and Saranay. Executive Secretary Teodoro Evangelista confirmed the Presidential Order two days later.

On November 30 of the same year, Governor (1946-1951) Silvino M. Gumpal headed the inauguration ceremony with the cutting of the ribbon at the foot of the Macañao Bridge in Barrio Luzon. He also inducted into office appointed Mayor Teodulfo D. Rumbaoa at the Social Hall in District Dos (now the A. Bonifacio Park). Teniente del Barrio Nicolas T. Almirol of Namnama was appointed vice mayor and the municipal councilors were: former Cauayan Mayor Federico P. Acio, Sofronio N. Corpuz of Macalaoat, Atty. Luis B. Gomez of Diamantina, former Cauayan Police Chief Filomeno S. Miguel and USAFFE Capt. Damian S. Tomacruz. On that same day, Mayor Rumbaoa made the first inaugural address signaling the independence of Barrio Cabatuan from Cauayan, Isabela.

The first seat of the municipal government was situated at the Gozum residence in Barangay Saranay and the first chosen municipal officials and employees were: Ramon A. Acosta (Municipal Secretary), Atty. Dominador C. Mina (Justice of the Peace), Norberto V. Abad (Chief of Police), Luis C. Monforte (Municipal Treasurer/Postmaster), Wilfrido T. Dayrit (Municipal Agronomist), Maura A. Sales (Puereculture Center Nurse), Rafael M. Gozum (Principal Clerk), Rodolfo Cagabi (Internal Revenue Clerk), Benecio H. Bartolome (Land Tax Clerk), Ciriaco Aguinaldo (Market Collector) and Antonio Padua (Sanitary Inspector). The municipal government stayed in the private Gozum residence up to June 30, 1950 until it was moved to what is now Barangay Centro where a temporary shelter made of cogon and bamboo was erected.